Visual Consulting

Defining brand identity and supporting unified communication
Through the process of defining brand identity, we help you visualize and value your brand’s potential appeal.
In departments responsible for communication, such as corporate branding, corporate communication, new business development, and DX promotion, we visualize the client company’s value through interviews and workshops with personnel in charge of issues and related departments. In addition to accumulating knowledge from the process of activities, we work in tandem to build a system to create a new way of communication. In particular, at BtoB companies, which are not accustomed to communication activities, we help dramatically improve the organization, communication, and penetration of corporate value not only externally but also internally.

amana’s unique process of co-creation that draws images and engages people through visual dialogues

To overcome challenges such as the following:
1. Want to visualize images such as visions and thoughts.
2. Want to unify the image of the content we send.
3. Want to visualize technology and know-how and make them assets of the brand.
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